Investment Criteria

Brownhelm Enjoys a Flexible Mandate

Opportunistic & Fund Oriented Investments

Brownhelm seeks to invest with and alongside of leading private equity, venture capital, real estate, and hedge funds. Brownhelm will consider:

  • Established managers with a track record and repeatable strategy
  • Opportunistic, unique, and spinout funds with a defined thesis, geographic focus, or differentiated strategy
  • Further, Brownhelm welcomes the opportunity to partner with fundless sponsors to support a specific transaction or thesis, and actively seeks opportunities for LP equity coinvest


Direct Investments

Brownhelm’s principals have a history of direct operating company investments. Brownhelm is actively seeking direct-investment opportunities within the financial services and real estate industries, with specific areas of interest including:

  • Independent registered investment advisors (RIAs), broker dealers, asset managers, community banks, and trust companies
  • Vendors and providers of software, compliance, and marketing tools focused on serving the financial services industry

As a family office, Brownhelm has the ability to structure a transaction to meet specific situations:

  • Flexible to invest across the capital structure
  • Investment can be used to support generational ownership transitions, minority / inactive shareholder buyouts, growth oriented financing, balance sheet stabilization, working capital support, funding to support add on acquisitions / inorganic growth
  • Comfortable in both majority and minority positions, and will consider investments across the corporate maturity spectrum (early stage to mature)

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